ამ პროგრამაში წერია თამაშის ჩეთები (დაჟე 2009-აც) და ძაან მაგარია მაგარი რაგაცა. ასე რომ გადმოწერეთ. ყველას გილოცავთ 2009 წელს.
CheatBook (01/2009) - Issue January 2009 - A Cheat-Code Tracker with
Hints, Tips, Tricks for several popular PC Action and Adventure Games.
504 PC Games, 110 Walkthroughs for PC and 202 Console Cheats are
represented in this new version from Strategy Games, Adventure Games to
Action Games. This Database represents all genres and focuses on recent
releases.Games are listed alphabetically in the left-hand window.
Disclaimer: All of my releases are scanned by Kaspersky and would not be
here if they did not pass.
I am using XP pro, if it works on Vista great... if not, write the author not me!
If any registration information does not work, PM me with OS info etc. All of my application
releases are compressed with WinRAR.